For your inspiration … 🙂
Humans are creatures, a word originating from ‘create’. Indeed, we have a wonderful ability to create new things and even to create our own reality. And while some people are conscious creators of their lives, others live theirs as unwitting victims. Be that as it...
11 Tips How To Raise Your Vibrations
Breathe Most people have forgotten how to breathe properly; their breath is far too shallow. Your breath is the gateway to your subconscious. Whenever you feel under pressure or stressed out, take a break for a minute and take a few deep breaths. Drink Drink enough...
Programme Your Mind for Success
How you spend the first hour of your day has a major influence on your personal development and long-term success. Your mind receives information and impulses from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep. The first hour of your day is the crucial one as...
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“Personal – professional – spiritual development”
– Renata

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